Monday, January 25, 2010

Meeting the Goal

I had a REALLY hard day today.

My class was challenging in a way that they typically are not. One student was extra aggressive and loud. Several were very weepy and wanting Mommy or Daddy. It was a long tiring day. I am now home and very tired.

I want to do nothing more than kick up my feet, order a pizza, and relax until I am ready for bed and then sleep until I wake up tomorrow.

However, reality is there is homework to do tonight. Dinner is being cooked...spaghetti with meatsauce. The kitchen will need to be cleaned and I should really do some exercising. So I am not being the sloth but working like the ant. I am striving to continue meeting my goal even if I am quite tired and feeling like I should not have to do it. I feel like I deserve a break when a break isn't really needed.

I really am changing my thinking about the way I treat my home life.

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